Everyday Devotions by an Ordinary Christian

Everyday Devotions by an Ordinary Christian

Sunday, 25 December 2011

Merry CHRISTmas!

All the excitement  and gifts/stockings, the things we've wanted, the things we got, the dinner and the family, the desserts and the activities. The boxing day sales on the next day. With all these things in mind, we can forget the true meaning of Christmas, or we might remember, but it is not as exciting as the gifts or the events. It is just a story that you hear every year, or really, are you listening? Or thinking about the dinner and presents that you might be getting?

"But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are not just an insignificant village in Judah. A ruler will come from you who will be like a shepherd for my people Israel. "
Micah 5:2

This verse is a prophecy of the event which we know as the Birth of Jesus. It says that a RULER will come from an INSIGNIFICANT village, not some high and mighty nation, Jesus our saviour came down to Earth not to be known as great and mighty but as one of us. Once you look at the details of the story, it is truly significant.

"The angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I am bringing you good news that will be joy to all the people. Today your SAVIOUR was born in the town of David. He is Christ, the Lord. This is how you you will know him: You will find a baby wrapped in pieces of cloth and lying in a feeding box."
Luke 2:10-12

This verse is kind of humorous, the angel told the shepherds that their SAVIOUR was born and that they will know who they're looking for is the SAVIOUR because he will be wrapped in pieces of cloth and he will be sleeping in a feeding box. First of all, how many people do you know were born in a feeding box wrapped in pieces of cloth? It would be more likely back then, but theses shepherds were looking for a SAVIOUR. You'd think that he would be born someplace amazing and expensive, but he was practically born in the worst possible place, pretty much. But if you look outside  the box, God had a greater plan for Him. If you just take a second to step into the shepherd's shoes, Jesus didn't sound that significant, but considering that it was an angel that delivered the message, that probably would've been enough for them.
I just thought I'd share this, I know it's kind of random, but I really hope that today I will be and that you'll be focusing on the real meaning of Christmas amidst all the excitement and family.

 Merry Christmas Everyone!

Thursday, 8 December 2011

What Are You Doing?

What are you doing? Are your actions that you're performing reaching out to people or pushing them further away from God? 

Sometimes, I find myself so full of the Holy Spirit that I just want that person that I'm preaching to, to get to know the Lord and what he has done for them. I get all these Christian songs, that relate to their past life that haunt them, that tell them how to find peace in their troubled times or what to do about their hauntings. I get all these verses and want them to read them, I talk about how to solve their problems. I expect them to listen to me and only want them to listen to what I have to say because I feel that it is important for them. All I am thinking then is that I could truly save that person's life. When that person wants to tell me something or show me a song they really like that's not my style or want me to read a page or a paragraph of their essay or a book, sometimes I don't feel interested, and I show it too. I show that I really don't want to listen to that song or read that paragraph. But, what I am doing is showing them that I want them to listen to me but I won't listen to them. That causes them to feel distant and not as close to me as they were before. 

If we, as Christians  want to reach to others, we also have to be listeners and be open ears, If we teach others about the LORD and talk to them about it, then we should be willing to listen to them talk about their god or what they believe in, we do not have to believe in the same thing as them, but we have to listen. If you're willing to give them a couple of your favourite Christian songs to listen to, then whatever song they want you to listen to, you should listen to. You may not like it, but they might not like yours either. 

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

We Are Like Robots(Wandering our focus away from God)

Lately, I have been busy with school and tests, and exams are coming up. By this time of year the teachers are cramming all the projects and assignments before the holiday and we just want to get them done before the break. I have been stressed out and focusing on school that I had forgotten what is more important and what matters more. I had stopped reading my bible and I have had very short prayers because of sleeping too late that I was too tired to pray sincerely. At this time, I really need the Lord to guide me and give me and understanding and peace so that I won't be stressed out, but instead I have said, "I don't have time for you God, I need to finish all my studying and school is more important than you right now." Even a little thing like school can take us down the wrong path filled with more potholes than we could imagine, more problems that just grow larger as we wander farther down that dark path. We can lose our focus on God and we can forget about him, our creator, the One who created us with the brain that we are using right now to study with! The way I think about God is like he is the designer and the inventor, we are his robots that he created, he had programmed in us to love each other and to love God, but something went wrong and we rebelled against Him. Now imagine you had created a robot and you created them with a brain and knowledge to know what is right and what is wrong, you would think that it would know what is right to do since it has the knowledge to do so. Instead, it starts doing all these wrong things and thinking that it is more superior than you are, the one who created it in the first place, and does not listen to your commands. We are like that robot. (I am not implying that God controls us, it is just another way to view God's superior) We wander away from God to do all these wrongs and say that we do not need God, we are better off than Him. Doesn't that sound silly? A creation believing that it is more superior than it's creator? That's how I was feeling in the past couple weeks (not more superior though), I didn't think of thanking the Lord for everything He had blessed me with, I was just asking for good marks on my tests and expecting them, I didn't even ask for guidence through my studies. I was just like a demanding Robot.