Everyday Devotions by an Ordinary Christian

Everyday Devotions by an Ordinary Christian

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Day 2 of 50 days in the Old Testament


Day 2
Genesis 3:1-24

What I learned...

Genesis 3:5 
(Serpent is speaking)
"God knows that if you eat the fruit from that tree, you will learn about good and evil and you will be like God!"

When you read this verse out loud, it sounds pleasing and inviting. But the devil was tricking Eve by telling her that she would gain wisdom and be knowledgeable. Really, gaining the knowledge of good and EVIL was the key and starting point of sin and all the evil present in the world today. What you don't know, won't hurt, right? But in this case, Eve only thought about gaining knowledge and being like God. This was another trick, God knows what evil is, God knows evil, he didn't create evil though. When the serpent said, "You will be like God," he didn't mention that you will literally be like God, nor, that knowing evil, you will know evil like God does. Think about this, when we discover something or learn something new, even a swear word, it pops up often in our minds because we know what it is, we may not notice it, but we are thinking about it often. For example, if you didn't know any swear words (good for you by the way), you wouldn't use them or know what they are and what they mean when somebody mentions them. This is the same idea with Eve and evil, she did not know or understand evil before she ate of the fruit, but after gaining that understanding and knowledge, evil filled her heart and mind, therefore making it simple for her to sin. We are born with evil, we have evil in our hearts, we cannot get  rid of the evil but we can limit it.

Genesis 3:6
...So she took some of its fruit and ate it. She also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate it.

Now in this verse, it doesn't mention that Eve had to call out to Adam in order to offer the fruit to him, actually, it mentions that he was WITH HER during the temptation and deceiving, the disobeying. It did not say that Adam warned her, it did not say that he walked away from this situation because he knew it was a tempting and sinful situation. Instead, it said that Eve offered the fruit to Adam and he ATE IT. It did not say that he refused or tried to convince Eve not to eat of the fruit. Instead he took it and ate it. This verse shows us how we, as humans, can fall easily and loose sight of God.

Genesis 3:7
Then it was as if their eyes were opened. They realized they were naked, so they sewed fig leaves together and made something to cover themselves.

When I was younger, before I understood this verse, I used to think, "ewwww!" whenever the naked part came up. This is what we think now days, it's disgusting to be naked, let's be realistic, if you see a person walking down your street totally naked, what would your first thoughts be? That this person is sick, insane, totally disgusting, inappropriate, right? Well that is because of sin, before sin, being naked was natural, it was like wearing clothes. But once Adam and Eve sinned and ate of the fruit from the tree, it said that they were embarrassed and felt like they needed to cover themselves up.

Genesis 3:14
The LORD God said to the snake,
"Because you did this, 
a curse will be put on you. You will be cursed as no other animal, tame or wild, will ever be. You will crawl on your stomach, and you will eat dust all the days of your life."

I think that this verse is really cool because, what is known today as a "snake", slithers on its belly, on the ground. But here, it said that because it was cursed, it will crawl on its belly. This leaves us to our imagination, did it have legs? If so how many?

Genesis 3:16
Then God said to the woman,
"I will cause you to have much trouble when you are pregnant,
and when you give birth to children,
you will have great pain. You will greatly desire your husband, but he will rule over you."

Wow, imagine that! Giving birth without pain! That would be so amazing to have, but because of sin, and the fall of Eve, we have been cursed to have pain when delivering. It also mentions that the man is the head of the woman. He will rule over us. We ( to wives in particular, no not me, I'm not married yet, but when I am) need to respect our husbands.

Genesis 3:21
The LORD God made clothes from animal skins for the man and his wife and dressed them.

I think this verse is actually pretty important, I hadn't actually noticed this until my brother pointed it out. This was the first death to ever occur in the Bible. Some people think that it was the sacrifice Abel offered, but actually it was the killing of the animal in order to get the skin and use it as clothes. 

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