Everyday Devotions by an Ordinary Christian

Everyday Devotions by an Ordinary Christian

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

We Spice the World

'You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet.' 
Matthew 5 : 13 

I don't doubt that you have seen this verse before-- I have seen it many times-- but today it held more importance to me, thanks to the wisdom that God has shared with me. 
When I read that verse today, I thought "we spice up the world; we make it taste good". 
For the past few weeks, my family hosted a bible study on Daniel and partially revelation and the man who led it was talking about the rapture.  
He mentioned how as Christians, we bring the goodness of Christ to the world. However, when we get taken away, there will be no enforcers of good because Christ's people will be gone, therefore all that's left is those whom the devil has control of. There will be chaos and immorality. 
In the next verse, we are also called "the light" to the world. We are AMBASSADORS of Christ. 
Wow! Such a huge responsibility! We need to make the bitter world taste good! We're not asked to add to the bitterness, are we? So then, we need to resist the temptations that this world puts right in front of us. 
In order to spice this world with our salt we MUST strive to look like Christ. 
Of course to be the split image of Christ is an unattainable goal, however we must TRY. It is too easy to ignore Christ's commands and live comfortable lives when the world around us looks so welcoming.
However, we mustn't forget our mission. We ARE the body of Christ, so we need to resemble Him at least.

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